Lyndon Ruhnke, PC

When Is Filing for Bankruptcy a Good Option?

Filing for bankruptcy is often seen as a last resort when a person or entity can no longer meet financial obligations. When debt becomes overwhelming, filing for bankruptcy could be the right answer depending on a person’s unique circumstances.
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Lyndon Ruhnke, PC

Preparing for Bankruptcy

According to statistics from The American Bankruptcy Institute, there were 6,636 total business and non-business bankruptcy filings in the state of Oregon in 2020. When facing financial adversity, filing for bankruptcy may be a possible solution to achieve debt relief and remedy your financial situation. However, with lots of false assumptions and misinformation out there, getting proper guidance from an experienced Oregon consumer bankruptcy attorney is crucial to help navigate key decisions and avoid costly mistakes.
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Lyndon Ruhnke, PC

How Long Does Bankruptcy Appear on A Credit Report?

If you are considering filing for bankruptcy or have already filed, you may be wondering how long it will affect your credit report. Filing is never an easy decision, but bankruptcy may be the best way to find solid financial footing again. Nearly 3,000 people in Oregon filed Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy in the first seven months of 2021, so you are not alone.
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Lyndon Ruhnke, PC

Does Bankruptcy Stop Creditor Calls?

Debt collectors and creditors are permitted to interact reasonably with consumers in order to recover the money owed. Unfortunately, some collection agencies use intimidating tactics and deceptive methods when dealing with debtors. If you are facing financial distress and considering filing for bankruptcy, an experienced bankruptcy attorney can help guide you through your options.
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Lyndon Ruhnke, PC

Changes to Bankruptcy Law Amid COVID Bills

According to a U.S. Census Pulse survey, more than 50% of American households experienced income loss between March 13th and July 21st, 2020, and about 74% of small businesses reported lost revenues between April 26th and May 2nd, 2020.
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Lyndon Ruhnke, PC

Lyndon Ruhnke Talks in Bankruptcy Round Table

Bankruptcy Attorneys in Portland, Oregon, Vancouver, Washington and Hillsboro, OregonLyndon Ruhnke was one of the panelists on a Bankruptcy Round Table hosted by the ORCBA at Portland State University, October 7. Ruhnke talked to debtors’ attorneys about earned income credit exemption caselaw and compelling a trustee abandonment of a small business.
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